
In the new era of the Great Revival of our independent country under the leadership of the respected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with his wise guidance in various fields of life of our country, including aviation, the level and quality of service to our people are increasing and expanding. In this regard, it is important that our independent country contributes to the increase of air communication with different regions of the world and the development of international cooperation. Today, from our capital to the city of Jeddah of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a Turkmen "Boeing" model "777-200 LR" made its first flight, which opened a new air communication on the route Ashgabat-Jeddah-Ashgabat.

Under the leadership of the respected President in the new era of the Great Revival of our independent country, the Hero Arkadag Serdar Berdimuhamedov successfully continues the work started by the Hero Arkadag, and the improvement of the level and quality of service to our people, as well as the expansion of their opportunities are one of the main tasks. In fulfilling these tasks, the Agency "Turkmenhovayullary" under the Cabinet of Ministers for management and communication is doing a successful job. As a result, the number of air communication from Ashgabat to the four corners of the world is increasing.

Thus, on February 16, 2024, in the year of "Pakhim-pakhas of the great Magtymguly Pyragy", the first flight of the Turkmen "Boeing" on the route Ashgabat-Jeddah was planned. At the same time, under the guidance of the respected President with his wise guidance on improving the technical level of our national aviation, the most advanced, high-tech aircraft were purchased, the services of which are used by passengers.

Flights from Ashgabat to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have been carried out so far by a special instruction of the respected President. This is an expression of the favorable conditions created by the Head of state for the fulfillment of the sacred religious duties of our people, and on this basis every year a large number of our compatriots made a pilgrimage to the sacred place of all Muslims - Kaaba. Now, on the route Ashgabat-Jeddah-Ashgabat, a regular air communication has been opened, which, as named in the Agency "Turkmenhovayullary", is carried out on schedule.

The passengers of the first flight on this new route to the city of Jeddah consider themselves happy people. Because all of them in their hearts hope to perform their hajj with the help of the first flight. This speaks of the fact that the opening of regular air communication will help our compatriots to perform their hajj with great success and well-being. For this, they express their sincere gratitude to the Hero Arkadag and the Hero Arkadag Serdar and utter endless words of praise.

It should be noted that the improvement of the technical level and modernization of our national aviation is an integral part of the large-scale transformations carried out in the sphere of transport of our independent country. In domestic and international transportation, the national aviation is given an important place in the transportation of cargo and passengers. In this direction, various programs are carried out with the aim of using innovative technologies, advanced engineering and technical ideas and the best world experience.

As a result of these works, the national aviation of our country is approaching the international and national air communication, increasing the possibilities and level of transportation of passengers and cargo.

Strong air vessels of our country - new "Boeings", purchased under the guidance of the Hero Arkadag in the new era of the Great Revival of our independent country by the Hero Arkadag Serdar Berdimuhamedov, reached their goal, confirming thereby the improvement of the material and technical base of our air transport sphere.

The purchase of such aircraft, in addition to improving the technical base of our air transport sphere, also serves to expand the possibilities of our national aviation, to meet the needs in international passenger transportation by air, to perform work at a high level in this direction, to create favorable conditions for expanding trade-economic and humanitarian ties with friendly countries.

A Turkmen plane, decorated with a Turkmen carpet, took off from Ashgabat to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and landed at the International Airport of the city of Jeddah after some time. The Turkmen passengers who descended from the plane were warmly welcomed on the land of a friendly country with skill and hospitality, and wished them acceptance of their pilgrimage and hajj.

Also here, at the airport, a short conversation took place between the head of the society of airports "Jedko" Mazen Mohammed Johar, the head of the company SGS, providing ground services to Saudi airlines, Omar Ahmed Al-Muodi, the head of the aviation department of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Sulaiman al-Bassam and the leaders and representatives of the Agency "Turkmenhovayullary".

The representatives of the Saudi side sincerely congratulated on the fact that from Turkmenistan, known in the world as a country of peace and neutrality and constantly developing, to Saudi Arabia opened regular air communication and in this direction successfully made the first flight, and with the arrival in the city of Jeddah of the Turkmen plane. They said that this will make a great contribution to the development of relations between the two countries.

The representatives of the Turkmen side expressed their gratitude to the brothers from Saudi Arabia for the warm welcome and good wishes. They confirmed that the opening of air communication between the two countries became possible as a result of the successful continuation of the work started by the Hero Arkadag at present under the guidance of the respected President, and that this air communication will contribute to the strengthening of mutual relations in the future.

Thus, the first regular air communication on the route Ashgabat-Jeddah-Ashgabat was opened, and it is carried out twice a week, serving passengers. This also has an important significance in connection with the implementation of the strategy of restoring the Great Silk Road by our Turkmenistan. Because Turkmenistan is an important link of transport and a large international logistics center. As a result of the transport policy of the Hero Arkadag, who proposed important initiatives and successfully implements them, these tasks are successfully implemented under the guidance of the Hero Arkadag Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the new era of the Great Revival of our independent country.

For such works, our compatriots - passengers express their sincere gratitude to the Hero Arkadag and the Hero Arkadag Serdar and utter endless words of praise. They wish our national Leader and the Head of state a lot of health, long life, constant prosperity and well-being.