The second international conference and exhibition “International transport and transit corridors: interconnection and development 2023” (ITTC 2023) will be held on May 3-4 in Ashgabat.


The second international conference and exhibition “International transport and transit corridors: interconnection and development 2023” (ITTC 2023) will be held on May 3-4 in Ashgabat.
The purpose of this conference is to discuss the issues of post-pandemic recovery and adaptation to new realities in the field of international transportation and the development of efficient international transport and transit corridors, infrastructure opportunities in the transport complex: the construction of modern autobahns, international seaports, airports and railway stations.

The conference will consider the possibility of Eurasian transport corridors and routes, transit potential and transport infrastructure, which is included in the international transport corridors in the EastWest and North-South directions, including as part of the interface with the Chinese “One Belt One Way" initiative. ITTC 2023 is organized by the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

This prestigious annual event is held with the aim of expanding the activities of national transport enterprises in international communications, strengthening international cooperation between Turkmen state organizations, large logistics institutions and international organizations spec